Friday, June 14, 2024

Council votes to put Arena TIF project to Public Vote


This video summarizes some key moments at the meeting.

1. Mayor Heikkila made unprecedented changes in the public comment process. He limited comments to 2 minutes instead of 3 and limited the total time on an item to 30 minutes.  Many who signed up to speak in advance were not given the opportunity to do so. 

2. Developers and applicants get as long as they like and multiple opportunities to address city council. There is a systematic imbalance in the process. 

3. Of the 14 speakers who got a chance to speak on the Arena TIF item, and 2 were against taking the plan to a public vote (Chamber of Commerce President Scott Martin made some claims about jobs. CM Elect Dixon made a claim that people voted for the TIF when they elected him and Matt Peacock. 

Council voted to put the TIF project plan to a public vote in August. There was some discussion about whether that vote would be binding since the Local Development Act does not require a vote as part of the process. 

Can you imagine a mayor or council person voting the opposite of a public vote on an item.  Geez. 

Norman city council changes on July 2. It is unclear of the new council will wait for the public vote or push through a vote on the TIF.  

THINGS THAT DIDN'T MAKE THE EVENING NEWS! Norman OK City Council TIF Meeting 6-11-24 (

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