Friday, September 20, 2024

Referendum to put the Arena TIF plan to a vote

This article has information about the petition process. 
Norman residents want public vote on arena and entertainment district (

Once filed, petitioners will have 30 days to collect signatures.
6200 signatures are needed to put the project plan ordinance to a public vote.
Signatures must be from registered voters who live in Norman.

A nonprofit has formed to organize the referendum petition.
See Oklahomans for Responsible Economic Development for more information (

About 40 people attended a training on how to collect signatures.
Women In Action for All Norman organized the training.
There will be a second training event on Tuesday, September 24th.

I will be at the training to answer questions about the Arena TIF plan, how it impacts the city and school budgets, and how it displaces activity from nontif businesses. 


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